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Poor People ROCK! Twitter @bob outdoor Email
Outdoor is Outdoors. I checked the back fence, now checkin' the north fence. Musical Debut! Macs using Safari >> Fence Check .mov**(38 mins) A Bob's Camp Irie! musical debut à la Ipod 6 touch & IMovie PC's or Macs NOT using Safari: Fence Check the movie Campfire Tunes ♫♫Conscious Party '69*(180 mins) ♫♫Conscious Party Rewound*(240 mins) ♫♫Conscious Riddim*(195 mins) ♫♫ Mendocino on My Mind*(355 mins) ♫♫Rock-n-Roll Can Never Die*(291 mins) the RocKin' OUTDOORS! Desert Dweller Expat Ohioan! Woodstock Revisited*♫♫(203 mins) Missed the Woodstock** Bus in '69! more** Learned to live in The Be Jahmin' Now! My Take on efin' Reality Since my freshman year at Ohio State University in 1963 to today, I 've been living in either extreme poverty or just plain poverty! lol And today, I'm not alone! 143,000,000 of us are either existing below the official b.s. federal poverty line or the rest of us are paycheck-to-paycheck. The history behind this has been cleverly kept almost impossible to figure out - for me, a lifetime almost, lol. Connecting the events of what really has brought America to her present insanity is efing, mind-boggling. I and others are very possibly decedents of white settler, colonial, criminal, racists. I and others must live knowing that We the Poor are among the millions of poor who compose in part several color-based, economic-class-based and urban vrs. city groupings: First off, the original Indigenous Peoples whose pristine lands were stolen by white European settlers. Once, over 15,000,000 people freely moved to anywhere and everywhere in America. Today, there are over 300,000,000 of us, mostly in large cities. A merciless genocide led. The First People's nations and tribes were encountered, hunted down and murdered. The "Discovery Doctrine" was used to "legally" steal the land of anyone found not to be of land-owner, white Christian ancestry or citizen of other colonizer countries. Internment camps were hastily created, followed-up by forced marches to tracts of land re-named "reservations", (then undesirable for white settlement). Greed, expanding empire and racism has culminated into today's sprawl of malls, highways, clear-cut wildlands, mountain-top removals, pipelines, poverty and despair, over-crowded, private prisons, etc. A few U.S. Indigenous reservation lands house gambling casinos or lease oil, water and minerals rights, (virtually never given-up willingly) to violent, machine-like corporations - as some sort of "reparations" that supposedly pays for the millions of children and people killed or displaced. America is divided between the vast majority who are poor, made so by the intentional greed of the rich at the expense of everyone else, either making us poor if we are not willing to be "better-off", by working us at odious tech jobs or working us so that we would have to violate our common sense: to not pollute water, food and air. Or we might be made to accept unreasonable risks in dangerous manufacturing or construction projects. You name it, and many, if not all elites are not putting People over profits - just the reverse! Cities are either suffering crumbling infrastructures, or morphing into super-fund sites, or sacrifice zones of low wealth survivors. All Americans live without "Single-payer Medicare for All". Rural Americans do not have access to doctors or near-by hospitals or health clinics. Like the Palestinians, if you are not rich (or not willing to do their bidding), we, no matter what country, are all learning what it's like to live without freedom from violent oppression by a 1% "ethnic rich" ruling class. Multi-national corporate malevolence has forced us poor into survival mode. War-like corporatists have forced mass migration and regional displacements through mass destruction of infra-structure, economic sanctions and generalized aggression. Ecological destruction has led to longterm systemic famines, causing genocide. First People's lands were seized at gunpoint or worse everywhere, on every continent, but Antarctica! We're next on "their" agenda. We, me, or maybe you, may be included in the approximately seventy million disabled Americans, the elderly and millions of children barely existing. There are over two million incarcerated people in America: fathers, mothers, family members and orphaned children remain in crowded, inhumane conditions. Many inmates suffer from untreated mental and other medically needed conditions in the under-staffed, for-profit internment-like camps due to often questionable sentences brought about by inadequate defense council. Poverty is slavery, especially as in for-profit privatized, state prisons. Many communities of Color and of Poor Whites are "red-lined" and over-policed, putting the residents in a constant state of stressed existence, not knowing from day-to-day and from paycheck-to-paycheck, whether to somehow flee or stand their ground and fight back! Not ever knowing the loving, peaceful feeling of real joy and restful relaxation! We poor must learn to self-organize with others. Ancestors of many of the current ruling classes were "plantations" owners - written into history as so-called colonists - some whose heirs would be today's "banksters". And some of these scoundrels are revered as patriots then and today. Crooks who banked some MAJOR wealth from their unchallenged cruelty and forced labor-camp slave holdings. Imagine: stolen, robbed, chained and murdered like many indigenous African People - many children. Captured. Hunted-down. Brutalized. Branded and sold as if they were cattle, "labor" commodities. Slave auctions brought immense accumulated wealth that grew over the years and decades. Blood money that paid for tall buildings, ships and railroads and flows still, gaining immense accrued interest through many U.S. and trans-national banks. Corporate coffers will someday soon, be confiscated and returned to the rightful owners, just as happened for the victims of the Nazis, whose similar crimes against the Jews and the Romas is well documented. It's time for another war-crimes and crimes against humanity trial as happened during the Nuremberg Trials. Yet, slavery still lives today as private prison labor, low wage, non-union jobs, non-union sweatshops, child sex trafficking and immoral child abduction by I.C.E. from their immigrant parents. If most Americans are not direct decedents of these first American colonist settlers, then we're the decedents of immigrants, stolen and brutalized African, Asian, South American Indigenous Peoples and others - or perhaps decedents of the First Nation Indigenous Peoples. Irregardless, today with few exceptions, most of us who are poor, are so because of a rigged system, that stems directly from these original criminal minds that came mostly from Europe. Many of the "plantation" owner elites, have successfully passed on their wealth and corporate corruption schemes from coast to coast and north to south, up to the present day. Where did all these damn police come from? Not out of thin air. Law enforcement, normally would be at village and city level, hired by, hired from, and paid for by the citizens, collectively. Taxes done ethically and morally right for all equally is the way that works. Security forces for the ridiculously wealthy slave owners were originally privately-hired militias, formed from the desperately poor of the day. These individuals were chosen for their hunting and combat abilities. They took orders directly from their paymasters, the plantation slaveholder class. This system of "human hunters" who willingly hunted down runaway slaves, for their bosses, the "slaveholder" elites, worked in tandem and with impunity. And this would go on through the years, to involve other enforcement duties that has grown gruesomely out of hand. Today's militarized police has its roots in slavery - a cross between slave enforcement and population control. We poor are kept in perpetual low wealth, with few exceptions, living in a nightmare, paycheck-to-paycheck "consumer" trap. The trap forces us to ruthlessly compete for an artificially constructed scarcity of available jobs. Most of us (without credit) are unable to pay for a sudden $400 cash emergency, like a co-pay for a for-profit hospital or perhaps the need for another refrigerator or a car repair. John Trudell, Buffy Sainte Marie, Carlos Nakai Teach-in*♫♫(193 mins) Apache Stronghold, San Carlos, AZ ♫♫First Peoples Rock!*(500 mins) Scott Mamaday, John Trudell, Buffy Sainte-Marie Carlos Nakai & Friends Carlos Nakai*♫♫ Flute (58 mins) Mother Earth ROCKS! Love You, Mom! We Are the People Known as Earth*♫♫(249 mins) Dixie Chicks, Neil Young with Promise of the Real and Buds Be a Jahmin'! Sacred Oak Flats**(53 mins) The Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival A 21st Century New and Unsettling Force Movement (fb) (tw) ~ Must Know News: For and by the Poor ~ ~ Must Have Conscious Music ~ ~ Respect. Love. Music. Peace. Family. ~ Historic! Thursday Justice Arts Movement Night Week One: May 17, 2018* (84 mins) Historic! June 23, 2018 40 Days Season Completed! Non-violent, Citizen Disobedience Accomplished! Here to Stay! A Multi-year Movement Launches! The Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A New and UNSETTLING FORCE! A 21st Century National Call for Moral Revival! Forward Together! Not One Step Back! The World is a Ghetto*♫♫(65 mins) Bruce Cockburn, Cheech and Chong War, Bob and Ziggy Marley & Buds ~ The Poor People's Revolution Has Some Dancin' and Singin' to IT! June 21, 2018 Theomusicology and Justice Arts Thursday**Audio*(122 mins) More Pics June 23, 2018 Rally and March on the D.C. Capitol**Audio*(228 mins) More Pics June 21 - Summer Solstice Capitol March** Audio* (135 mins) More Pics
History Is A Weapon! #AbolishCorporations are making living decently impossible! - For All of Us! A Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival - NOW! Irie
Non-corporate, Independent News & Views We Are 140,000,000 Poor Americans MOST without Healthcare! (Almost One of Every Two!) Off-Grid News • Green Living • Reference • Print News Current Events • We Rise: A Movement Songbook (pdf) >> Fact Page 42 here > The Souls of Poor Folk (pdf) >> "Woman In Levis" found here: Arizona State Library >> Good Reads - Many good reads here! >> Archive Dot Org
- Many good reads here!
>> Wall and Piece and Banging Your Head Against A Brick Wall
e-book by Banksy
>> The Power of Myth and books by Joseph Campbell - Moyers Interview - Audio*(303 mins) >> US Gamma Background CPM (Counts per Minute) Map >> World Nuclear Sites • Expedition for Life (post Fukushima) >> World Forecasts, Climate Change & Satellite Weather >> 2013 Climate-Change Archive All of: The Poor People's Campaign: A National Call For Moral Revival! Thursday Night Justice Arts Movement Songs and Spoken Word ♫♫*(442 mins) May 13 - June 21, 2018 TMABC Slideshow**♫♫(.mov - 178 mins) The Music at Bob's Camp (soundtrack)*♫♫(78 mins) Rock and Roll Will Never Die!*♫♫(291 mins) First Peoples Rock!*♫♫(500 mins) Scott Mamaday, John Trudell Buffy Sainte-Marie Carlos Nakai & Friends New Springtime diggs! Mama cardinal partaking in a yucca flower feast! Blooming Yucca at Camp Near Solstice Early Morning 2018 Pure artesian water! This cattle tank is one of three feeds from a 50-gallons per hour Flowing Artesian well (uphill near the front gate). It is located under a mesquite tree. It is a 6' by 2' tank that empties twice a day into a mesquite & willow grove, 50 ft. away - a 50-tree grove that includes 30 ft. mesquites.The living area is shaded during the 3 months of intense UV summer sun. She's a one acre Permaculture micro-environment of eight fenced Sonoran Desert habitat acres. 3.14 x 9sq-ft x 2ft = 56.54 cu-ft = 423 gallon tank Love Gets You Through! 1*♫♫(256 mins) 2*♫♫(209 mins) 3*♫♫(354 mins) Greg Brown, Iris Dement, Steven Stills, Neil Young, Joni Mitchel, Joan Baez, John Prine, Sade, Carlos Nakai, Bob Dylan, Tim O'Brien & Buds! Winter Solstice*♫♫ Caesar Chavez, Carlos Santana Bruce Cockburn and Buds (233 mins) Campfire Tunes*♫♫ Neil Young & Promise of the Real Dixie Chicks, C S & N and Buds (249 mins) Wolf Moon*♫♫(4 mins) Neil Young & Promise of the Real Standing Rock, ND weather update - Here Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II President & Sr. Lecturer of Repairers of the Breach & Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, co-chairs of: The Poor People's Campaign: A National Call For Moral Revival December 4, 2017 D.C. Press Briefing The Gathering is the podcast and Medium is the blog The Souls of Poor Folk (pdf) We Rise: A Movement Songbook (pdf) Thank You. Outdoor Bob |
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Tuc Radar infrared |
Antarctic Icecap | Arctic Icecap |
seasonal maximum extent of Arctic sea ice has passed, and with the
passing of the vernal equinox, the sun has risen at the north pole.
While there are plenty of cold days ahead, the long polar night is
over. Arctic sea ice extent averaged for March 2021 was the ninth
lowest in the satellite record. With little ice in the Gulf of St.
Lawrence, harp seal pups are struggling. At month’s end, Antarctic sea
ice extent was slightly above average. Arctic sea ice extent averaged for March 2021 was 14.64 million square kilometers (5.65 million square miles). This was 350,000 square kilometers (135,000 square miles) above the record minimum set in 2017 and 790,000 square kilometers (305,000 square miles) below the 1981 to 2010 average. The average extent ranks ninth lowest in the satellite record, which began in 1979. Regionally, extent at the end of the month was below average on the Pacific side in the Bering sea and on the Atlantic side in the northern Barents Sea and well south of the Arctic in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Elsewhere, extent was close to the average, though generally somewhat lower. Ice loss during March was primarily in the Sea of Okhotsk, the southern edge of the Bering Sea, east of Svalbard, and in the northern part of the East Greenland Sea. The ice edge expanded in the southern part of the East Greenland Sea and to the north of Svalbard. During March, sea ice extent tracked well below average, but as noted in our previous post, the seasonal maximum in extent, reached on March 21, one day after the vernal equinox, was only the seventh lowest in the passive microwave satellite record. Since ice extent in March increases through the first part of the month and then decreases thereafter, the daily average growth rate is not a very meaningful statistic. Air temperatures at the 925 mb level (about 2,500 feet above sea level) in March were up to 5 degrees Celsius (9 degrees Fahrenheit) below average across northern Eurasia and extending east over Alaska. Temperatures were 1 to 3 degrees Celsius (2 to 5 degrees) Celsius above average over the Atlantic side of the Arctic, with a tongue of above-average temperatures extending into the Beaufort Sea (Figure 2b). The associated atmospheric circulation for March features low pressure over the northern North Atlantic, with the lowest pressure focused over the Barents Sea (Figure 2c). After remaining in a fairly persistent negative phase for much of the past winter, the Arctic Oscillation index in March was mostly positive, but with large fluctuations. Through 2021, the linear rate of decline for March sea ice extent, relative to the 1981 to 2010 average extent, is 2.6 percent per decade, which corresponds to 39,700 square kilometers (15,300 square miles) per year, about the size of the US states of Maryland and Delaware combined or the country of Switzerland. The cumulative March ice loss over the 43-year satellite record is 1.67 million square kilometers (645,000 square miles), based on the difference in linear trend values in 2021 and 1979, which is equivalent in size to the state of Alaska. This winter ice extent was far below average in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, which is an outlet for the US Great Lakes located northeast of New Brunswick. The unusually low sea ice extent is leading to the death of many harp seal pups. In December, harp seals arrive at the Gulf of St. Lawrence from the Canadian Arctic and Greenland, and then give birth to pups under snow on the ice cover. With so little sea ice, many pups were forced to cluster on shore where they are vulnerable to predators, leading to high pup mortality. It is widely viewed that with continued warming and loss of sea ice, harp seal populations will decline. Antarctic sea ice on the rise After reaching its seasonal minimum extent on February 21, Antarctic sea ice extent climbed rapidly, passing the long-term average daily extent on March 1. The rate of growth was very rapid between February 25 and March 8, expanding by over one million square kilometers (386,000 square miles) in the 12-day period. This is the fastest expansion in the four-decade record of sea ice extent for this time of year, and was caused by a rapid refreezing of the western Amundsen Sea and eastern Ross Sea areas. Since early March, growth has slowed to a more typical, slightly below-average pace. The Amundsen and eastern Ross Seas remain well above the average extent for the season. Sea ice extent in the Bellingshausen Sea and Weddell Sea are slightly below average. At the end of the month, Antarctic ice extent neared 5.5 million square kilometers (2.1 million square miles). More Here |
May 18, 2021 Nine large fires have burned more than 18,000 acres in six states. New large fires were reported in Arizona, Florida, Massachusetts, and Minnesota. To date, 21,780 wildfires have burned 563,854 acres in the United States. As seasons change, so do our practices to keep everyone safe outside, and to protect the places we play! In the spring and summer especially, the environment changes quickly and access points may be more limited. As the weather becomes warmer and wildland vegetation, or fuels, begin to dry out, it is time to plan for wildfires: #RecreateResponsibly Weather Strong winds aloft will overspread the Pacific Northwest and Northern Rockies as an upper-level trough slowly moves into the Pacific Northwest tomorrow. An associated cold front will push south and east through the Northern Rockies and northern California into the Great Basin and eastern Montana. While gusty winds are likely over portions of the inland Pacific Northwest, northern and western Great Basin, and the northern Plains into the western Great Lakes, relative humidity values should remain at non-critical values. Dry and breezy conditions are also expected to continue across portions of the Trans-Pecos. Isolated to scattered thunderstorms are likely across the northern half of the Southwest through eastern Utah and much of Colorado. Precipitation will continue along and west of the Cascades, mostly in Washington with severe weather and heavy rain likely across portions of Texas. more |
Nuclear Sites
• Expedition for Life
(Post Fukushima-Daiichi Indy Investigation)
The Periodic Table of Elements - Larger Version - Here |
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Nuke Reactors World Map - 437 in 31
Countries, 180 Propulsion Reactors - Here |
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CPM's: Click one of the six Regions below: US Hawaii & Alaska Europe South America Japan Australia |
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